4 1/2 Stars! A Romantic Times "Top
" With her trademark originality, Deb Stover
delivers another winner. No Place For A
Lady will hold readers spellbound with
swift action, riveting drama, and of course a
romance to sigh for."
~Bestselling Author Susan Wiggs
...a completely enjoyable read filled with
warm and loving characters, and enough sexual
electricity to power California."
~Terrie Figueroa, Romance Reviews Today
" Put quite simply, this is an outstanding
read, one that happened to
get this reviewer out of her reading slump.
Brava, Ms. Stover.
Long live the western historical
Wachsmith, www.whatimreading.com
" This is Deb Stover at her very best! This
story has it all - action, adventure,
mystery and most of all not one but
several romances intertwined in this most
amazing book. Oh and the love scenes just
~Kathy Boswell, The
Best Reviews
" This tale is one frolicking adventure
after another. If you’re not laughing,
you’re weeping. Ms. Stover has penned a
remarkable journey that will leave its
mark upon your heart."
~ Old Book Barn Gazette
" From beginning to ending this story
could not be a more perfect romance. It
has love, compassion, depth, as I said
PERFECT. Molly Riordan and Dirk Ballinger
will have you cheering for more, as you
experience their love as well as the six
other characters' love as the complete
tale unfolds. Dirk is one hero who will
bring back the hope in your heart simply
because he has the biggest heart in the
world. Don't miss this extraordinary
story. Ms. Stover once again brings in
another FANTASTIC read!!!
5 Bells!!!"
~ Donita Lawrence, Bell, Book,
& Candle
" The high mountains and passes of
Colorado are NO PLACE FOR A LADY in Deb
Stover's latest achievement. Webs of
deception and delightful conundrums result
in a passionate romance with marvelous
depth. The secondary plots weave a
complexity that reflects and strengthens
the main plot with powerful
characterizations and startling details.
Indeed, Stover is a writer of graceful
imagination and intense passion, creating
masterful work romance lovers will find
enchanting. Sexy and irresistible, NO
PLACE FOR A LADY comes very highly
recommended." ~
Cindy Penn, WordWeaving
" A riveting, fast-paced historical
romance from an author who knows how to
dream up stories to touch the heart. Ms.
Stover pits a hot tempered, enderaring
heroine against an honorable, sexy hero
and lets the sparks fly. She then
surrounds them with lively characters, an
exciting plot, lots of surprises, and hot
passionate love scenes. This book is
impossible to put down and the characters
hard to forget. Do not pass this one
~ Rendezvous
" I got a Rocky Mountain High after reading
Deb Stover’s NO PLACE FOR A LADY. It’s
fresh, exciting and has more twists and
turns and surprises than a rattlesnake.
Expect not one but three romances. Oh boy!
It’s a humdinger of a story you never want
to end."
~ Suzanne Coleburn, Belles and Beaux
of Romance

Chapter One
London, 1888.
A pity Scotland Yard frowned on the practice
of strangling one's employer. Molly Riordan
couldn't count the number of times she'd
struggled against that urge during her eleven
years in Lady Elizabeth Summersby's
Like today...
Lady Elizabeth pressed the back of her hand to
her forehead and closed her eyes. " I'm ruined.
How could this have happened to me?"
Molly gave the sash at her mistress's
expanding waistline an extra tug and censored
the colorful description she desperately
wanted to offer. She could just imagine the
horrified expression on the woman's face at
hearing her carnal act described in intricate
" The deed's done, my lady," she said quietly.
" You'll be married soon." After all, Lady
Elizabeth was only getting what she deserved
for her imprudent behavior.
" Don't remind me," Lady Elizabeth said with a
delicate shudder. " Well, at least he's rich." She walked away just as Molly finished tying
the sash, then turned sideways to view herself
in the mirror. " I really didn't think the one
time could--would..."
" Oh, sometimes it takes only once." Molly gave
a dramatic sigh. " You know about the new girl
Cook hired, don't you?"
Lady Elizabeth furrowed her usually flawless
brow and shot Molly a scathing glare. " Are you
suggesting I'm anything like that common--like her?"
No, young Annie might be foolish, but at
least she has a heart. Molly chewed
the inside of her cheek. She couldn't place
her position at risk, no matter how sweet the
truth might taste tripping off her
" No, my lady." Molly forced a solemn
expression--no easy task, considering her true
feelings. " Young Annie claimed the bloke never
even got it all the way in, and look what
happened to--"
" Enough!" Openly horrified, Lady Elizabeth
glowered at Molly, then turned her attention
back to her rather pale reflection in the
mirror. She studied her profile again, patting
her abdomen and tilting her head to the side
in a thoughtful manner.
Swallowing her grin, Molly placed the silver
brush and comb set back on the dressing table
and stepped nearer. What had Lady Elizabeth
expected? She'd been easily persuaded to enter
the rogue's carriage during the party. Of
course, duty required that Molly remain nearby
in the event her mistress had needed her for
anything. And as compensation for her staunch
allegiance, she'd overheard every sound from
inside the carriage. She would never forget
the way Lady Elizabeth had giggled and carried
on while the big American had his way with
" It's too big. It won't fit," Lady Elizabeth
had cried.
" Yeah, it's fair size, darlin', but we'll make
it fit," the American had boasted while Molly
remained secreted behind the carriage,
stifling her laughter and shock.
She resisted the urge to laugh aloud now as
Lady Elizabeth's feeble complaints flashed
through her mind anew. Whenever she resented
her mistress's imperious air, Molly could
summon her memories of that night and feel
justice had been served, but only because Lady
Elizabeth had been so willing. Had Molly
detected any indication that the American was
forcing Lady Elizabeth into the carriage, her
reaction would have been far different,
despite her personal dislike for the
No matter how much Lady Elizabeth deserved her
fate, Molly couldn't prevent far more than a
twinge of remorse. She hadn't been reared to
think ill of people. Well, she'd been true to
her upbringing toward everyone she'd ever
known, except this one person. If Gram had
known Lady Elizabeth, surely even she could
forgive Molly this one trespass.
If the old woman had lived a while longer,
Molly could have completed her education.
She'd be a governess now, rather than a lady's
maid. Her training, her proper speech, her
personal preferences all pointed in that
direction, but again fate had
Lady Elizabeth's voice intruded on Molly's
memories. " The man didn't even have the
decency to come back to marry me here."
" 'Tis a great distance, and he sent enough
funds for first class passage, my lady." Molly
shrugged, wondering if the American actually
realized what sort of wife he was acquiring
for one night's dalliance. Somehow, that
seemed unlikely. " Even your father seems
satisfied that Mr. Ballinger is an honorable
" Yes, I know. Since Father's lost his
money--ah, but never mind that." The woman
deftly changed the subject as if every servant
in the place didn't already know about his
lordship's financial ruin. " I'll never drink
champagne again." Lady Elizabeth wrinkled her
face in disgust. " A dreadfully dangerous
potion. Oh, and the worst part of
" Aye, my lady?" Molly forced her expression to
remain passive.
" I...I can't remember what he looks
Feigning shock, Molly covered her mouth again
and opened her eyes as wide as possible. " You
really don't remember?"
" Oh, I remember...some things." Lady
Elizabeth's face flushed crimson. " It was a
costume ball, if you remember, Molly. Everyone
was masked."
" Aye, 'tis true enough." Molly vividly
remembered the tall American, with his sleek
black hair and tan leather mask surrounding
eyes as green as any she'd ever seen--like
emeralds. " I don't recall seeing him without
his mask either, now that I think of it, my
" He took it off later, but it was dark." Lady
Elizabeth reddened even more. " Oh, do tell me,
Molly. Does the...the child show yet?"
Lady Elizabeth's anxious query made Molly grin
again. Taking a deep breath to bring her
wicked thoughts under control, Molly walked
over to stand directly behind her mistress,
making a great show of inspecting her
ladyship's profile in the mirror. " Aye, my
lady, I fear it does, but only a
" Oh, I am truly ruined. Does it really?"
At Molly's solemn nod, Lady Elizabeth
gasped--a truly priceless moment. Guilt
prodded Molly, but she forcibly quelled it.
All the years of verbal abuse she'd taken from
this selfish young woman were almost worth the
sheer agony she saw flashing through Lady
Elizabeth's eyes now. Almost. No, she refused
to feel guilty now.
" You'll be married soon," Molly said simply.
" What does it matter that the babe will come a
few months early?"
" Months, not weeks." Lady Elizabeth turned to
stare at her own reflection. " How will I ever
explain it?"
" No one here need ever know about the date of
the baby's birth, my lady," Molly said
quietly, more concerned with the stigma to the
child than Lady Elizabeth.
" But the Americans will know." Lady Elizabeth
rolled her eyes and sighed again.
Molly couldn't resist watching her employer's
panic-stricken expression in the mirror. As
always, Lady Elizabeth's hair was neatly
pinned at the nape, while a few tendrils
artfully brushed her cheekbones. If one didn't
know better, one might believe Lady Elizabeth
had conspired for her brown eyes and hair to
match. She was beautiful...and she knew it. If
only Molly could be as beautiful.
Since shortly after her fourteenth birthday,
she had served as Lady Elizabeth's personal
maid. Eleven years--each and every one of them
pure torture.
'Tis wrong to take pleasure in another's
misfortune. Her dear departed
grandmother's words haunted Molly, layering
guilt upon unwanted guilt.
Molly caught a glimpse of herself in the
mirror over the bride's shoulder, jarring her
back to the present. The contrast between Lady
Elizabeth's soft coloring and Molly's raven
dark hair and bright blue eyes was startling
in such close proximity. She stared for
several moments, wondering if she could be
beautiful, too.
Stunned by her discovery, Molly smiled, unable
to draw her gaze from the mirror before it was
too late.
" What are you smirking at, Molly?" Lady
Elizabeth asked sharply. " Do you find this
tragedy amusing?"
" No, my lady," Molly lied, lowering her guilty
gaze in an attempt to conceal her true
" I'd advise you to remember where we're going,
Molly Riordan, if you know what's good for
you." Lady Elizabeth turned slowly and lifted
her chin a notch to glower at her maid, who
stood a few inches taller than her mistress.
" America," she whispered with a shudder.
" We'll probably be scalped before we even
reach Mr. Ballinger's ranch. Imagine, me living on a...a cattle ranch.
With cows, Molly. Cows."
Which you'll bear a remarkable resemblance
to in no time at all. Molly's lips
Still, their impending journey sounded
thrilling to Molly, and the thought of seeing
America made her toes literally curl in
anticipation. This promised to be quite an
adventure. Especially watching her ladyship
adjust to being a rancher's wife in the wilds
of Colorado.
Of course, Molly had her own selfish reason
for wanting to go. Was her da still there? The
last letter she'd received had arrived shortly
before her grandmother's death. Since entering
Lady Elizabeth's service, Molly had received
no word at all from Niall Riordan. She didn't
even know if he was still alive. But soon
she'd have the chance to search for him
Colorado. Just the name of their
destination made Molly's blood thrum through
her body. She couldn't wait. Was this how Da
had felt before embarking on his journey to
America? Finally, something exciting was going
to happen to Molly Riordan.
And, no doubt, to Lady Elizabeth
Summersby. |